West Alabama Highway:
Thomasville & Tuscaloosa!
The West Alabama Highway will add lanes to U.S. Highway 43 and State Route 69 to provide a four-lane divided highway from Thomasville to Moundville, a distance of more than 80 miles. This will complete a four-lane highway corridor of roughly 200 miles connecting Mobile and Tuscaloosa.
For decades, residents, business leaders and public officials have called for construction of the West Alabama Highway as a way to ease travel, improve safety and increase economic opportunities for people in rural West Alabama.
“For nearly 75 years, there have been promises to extend state and federal roadways through the Black Belt with no action. In 2019, Governor Kay Ivey and the state legislature finally made good on those past promises to build a four-lane road through the Black Belt with the approval of the Rebuild Alabama Act of 2019…”
– The University of Alabama’s Education Policy Center
Project Facts
Check out our new state of the art $3 million+ facility that is now home to our Career Readiness Center, Public library & Museum!