Thomasville, Alabama



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West Alabama Highway:


Thomasville & Tuscaloosa!

The West Alabama Highway will add lanes to U.S. Highway 43 and State Route 69 to provide a four-lane divided highway from Thomasville to Moundville, a distance of more than 80 miles. This will complete a four-lane highway corridor of roughly 200 miles connecting Mobile and Tuscaloosa.

For decades, residents, business leaders and public officials have called for construction of the West Alabama Highway as a way to ease travel, improve safety and increase economic opportunities for people in rural West Alabama.

“For nearly 75 years, there have been promises to extend state and federal roadways through the Black Belt with no action. In 2019, Governor Kay Ivey and the state legislature finally made good on those past promises to build a four-lane road through the Black Belt with the approval of the Rebuild Alabama Act of 2019…”
– The University of Alabama’s Education Policy Center

Project Facts

  • 74 miles of new roadway
  • Four lane divided highway
  • 65 MPH maximum speed limit
  • 23 new bridges
  • 16 million cubic yards of dirt moved
  • 700 workers at peak


Check out our new state of the art $3 million+ facility that is now home to our Career Readiness Center, Public library & Museum!

Visit the Library!

Alabama-USA Corridor: Rail work to improve supply-chain infrastructure 

These major rail improvements will positively impact Norfolk Southern's rail service in the Thomasville Region.
Learn more

Take a look inside Westervelt Lumber's Thomasville Mill

Airport for Thomasville & Clarke County

November 13, 2019

Senator Shelby announces a new Southwest Alabama Regional Airport to be built in Thomasville, Alabama!

Thomasville, AL
 an ACE Community

Click below to watch the full video

About us

In Thomasville Alabama you will find all of the comforts of home and discover the true meaning of "Southern Hospitality". From locally owned restaurants with award winning menus, to the historical attractions such as the A.L. Martin Museum, Kathryn Tucker Windham Museum, site of the first Miles College, and our recently renovated Civic Center which was once home to our schools, to the entertainment offered locally through annual festivals, theatrical productions, concerts, sports and more, Thomasville has something for everyone.

Our community is growing at a rapid pace with the new industries and business re-locating in our area, but has and will continue to maintain that “hometown feel” and its charming southern ways.

Thomasville has always been known as a progressive town, achieving much attention in the State of Alabama and even beyond. It has completely redeveloped the downtown area making it a showplace with its design. It is welcoming of visitors and those interested in relocating to the area. This display of Southern Hospitality has led to Thomasville’s success in attracting industry to the area. The mayor works tirelessly to promote our town and supports local efforts for citizen involvement. The town itself is welcoming of good ideas from all. The downtown revitalization, as well as the development of the Civic Center, were both citizen led efforts that the City strongly supported. So as you can see, all that Thomasville has to offer to its visitors and residents alike is what makes Thomasville “Southwest Alabama’s Success Story”, a title we hold dear to our hearts.

City Council Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Monday of every month at 5:30pm and are open to the public.

Council Meetings are held in the Council Chambers at 137 Adams Ave. Thomasville, AL

**Dates are subject to change due to holidays, etc.. Please check with City Hall 334-636-5827**
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